5 ways to get out of your head and into your body

  1. 5-4-3-2-1 - Sight, sound, sense

    This helps you get into your body and into the present moment. 

    You simply name 5 things you see, 5 things you hear, and 5 things you physically feel (i.e. feet on the floor, hand on your chest, etc.), then you name 4 things, then 3, etc.

    Note: You can repeat the same things, so it doesn’t have to be 5 distinct things.

  2. Gradually increasing your risk tolerance

    Learning how to step outside of your comfort zone and stay there for a moment longer than you want to helps you strengthen your coping skills. If you run a business or lead others, building this skill will be helpful. You can take it slow and use small increments. Breathe through it.

  3. Learning to let go and surrender control

    Yes, like the serenity prayer. This is a hard one that requires constant practice. The better you get at focusing on what is within your scope of influence, the easier it becomes to let go of the things that are beyond your control. When you let go of what’s beyond your control, your nervous system can operate at a more comfortable level for your body.

  4. The subtle art of discernment

    If there is one skill I wish I could bestow mastery upon every human being, it would be discernment. This requires self-trust, self-awareness, and learning how to distinguish anxiety from intuition. In other words, this takes time to develop. Pause and be present with a feeling. Give it your attention and then test if there is evidence in the moment that supports it, or if it’s rooted in the past. If it’s part of your past, thank it and let it go. Marie Kondo style.

  5. Stop letting other people yuck your yum.

    Easier said than done, but protect and unabashedly claim what brings you joy. Fuck what anyone else thinks about it.


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