5 ways you might be mindf*cking yourself

Here are 5 common signs we are too stuck in our heads and serving as the dungeon masters of our own distress:

  1. Perfectionism/fear of failure

    Letting the unrealistic standard of perfection block us from making progress. When we are so afraid to fail that we don’t even try, we’ve already failed.

  2. Imposter Syndrome

    Feeling like you’re not good enough, qualified enough, articulate enough is intimidating, but often inaccurate. Trust that your voice matters and you have something meaningful to offer.

  3. Analysis Paralysis

    When there are too many options or too much uncertainty, we can get stuck trying to figure out what the best right decision is. Sometimes, you just need to take a leap and trust that you and your team have the skills to navigate the consequences of any decision you make.

  4. Fear of success

    Sometimes, the idea of succeeding feels unfamiliar and scary to our nervous system. We tell ourselves that it will be more work or that being seen will put us in danger. The higher you climb, the farther the fall. This one might require a lot of inner work to overcome. Just remember that courage isn’t the absence of fear, it’s being afraid and doing it anyway.

  5. Comparison trap

    When we see others achieving more or doing similar work in a different way, it can be easy to fall prey to comparison. We often stop ourselves from following our instincts and doing what we do best because we’re too busy trying to do it like someone else. Embrace your authenticity. Learn to trust yourself and forget everyone else. You got this.


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