3 Questions & 3 Boundaries for Navigating Burnout

3 Questions

  1. Of all the identities you carry, if the world were to end tomorrow, which ones would still matter to you?

  2. What helps you keep things in perspective, especially when times are tough?

  3. What 3 values have remained consistently true throughout your life?

3 Boundaries

  1. Practice saying no.

    Example: “That’s not within my scope, you might want to ask…” 

  2. Keep your priorities clear.

    Example: “I need to focus on xyz project. I’ll have more bandwidth in two weeks, if you still need help then.”

  3. Protect your personal time. Make it sacred.

    Example: “I’ll get this to you by xx date (that doesn’t compromise your personal time).”

I hope it’s obvious that you don’t need to use these examples. They are just meant to give you an idea of how to communicate each boundary.

What other strategies help you navigate the harmony between your work life and personal life?


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