5 Reasons You Are Creatively Blocked
Too much input: there’s too much going into your brain for anything to come out, whether that’s from social media, podcasts, etc. Take a break. Make space.
Too much noise: distractions, comparisons, keeping up with the joneses, etc. are drowning out your own voice and ideas.
Too comfortable - it’s hard to create when you aren’t willing to push the boundaries of your comfort zone
Too much to manage - you may be familiar with Paul Graham’s manager’s schedule vs maker’s schedule. Essentially, when you are responsible for getting things done or ensuring that things are getting done, you are in manager mode. Your day may be filled with meetings, spreadsheets, and checklists with little room to imagine and create. Creativity needs room to flow. If you have too much to manage, whether that’s on the job, at home, or some combination, you may not have the space in your schedule to create.
Survival mode is on - you are hyper-focused on safety and just getting through the day. You may be experiencing a high volume of grief, stress, economic hardship, emotional overwhelm, etc. Sometimes this survival mode comes from necessity, and sometime this is a habit that was borne out of necessity, but is no longer your reality. Creativity can be an outlet for grief and the stresses of the world, but you need a baseline of safety and/or stability to sustain that flow.